
Tuesday 27 March 2012

Technical era of sharing

From the era of Charles Babbage to this present day, technology has evolved faster than our imaginations. However, it was driven by imagination at the same time. Leonard Kleinrock, who saw the first glimpse of internet, was able to see that because he imagined and then technology grew faster than his imagination, one of the reason would be the contribution of other researchers and scientists around the globe.

This theory of "growth over imagination" is not confined only to internet, any region of technology that you take has seen this type of growth. Internet is quite responsible for this amount of enormous growth. When we go more into basics, it is not wrong to say that growth happened because people started to share. They started to share their thoughts, share their ideas, share their activities which lead to the development of a new era.. The era of sharing.

As I mentioned in the previous blog posts how every process grew from requirement to entertainment, similarly people's habit of sharing has grown. This is one of the reasons that lead to the surprising growth of social networks. People started to share pictures, videos, their homework, their work experiences and everything they do. This also lead to a new form of psychological development where people started to trust each other. 

Sharing has grown to a new high now, where commercial guys out there have modified their products to include a bit of sharing in a form of button or some mathematical representations of adding one. Be it an article you read or a blog like this or any webpage , share is just a click away.


  1. Great article Saad,
    Congratulations on your new blog!
    Just to add, the same sharing practice also helped and lead to the political unrest and then the independence of Libya and Egypt etc. But from where I see, Commercial guys/ businesses have not adopted this to the level they are supposed to. Here I am not talking about having a share button on each page of the website to make the content easily shareable, but its about the effectivess of this sharing mechanism for businesses that could help them grow further. Majority of businesses I believe don't take something concrete out of this feature. For e.g. Do we know how many businesses measure the ROI on this share mechanism? Having analytical data in hand, some great information can be gathered to know what is being shared and how that effects the businesses (in terms of sales/goodwill/prospect growth/feedback to help improve their products/services).
    Look forward to see what you bring next on this space.

    1. Nice points you brought up here. Well, in terms of ROI, businesses have found a way to stick to customers and keep a track of them. Sharing has gone to the extra mile, where companies not only see their visitors, they can also contact them and all this is being done by a single click. This has brought a major change in businesses and as well as to individuals out there. Businesses know exactly what should be the next update of the product, customer's behavioral patterns, demographic details, and not to forget this has all open up to a new form of advertisement as well.
