
Saturday 12 May 2012

Simplicity or Complexity

Oh! we are so lucky to be in an era of quickly completing our tasks. Thanks to those innovative developers who have made our life easy. We are saving lot of time by using these products. Be it Excel, Word, PowerPoint. We are able to maintain, update or delete records. We can quickly get reports of whatever we want. Our data is so organized.

Are we really saving time? When compared to the people in 60s to the people of 21st century. They had more time when compared to us. They had enough time even after using manual registers to maintain records. Is technology simplifying or making it more complex?

Time less consumed to carry out an operation cannot mean that the operation is simple. It also depends on the expertise of the individual who is carrying out that operation. However, the point to notice here is "Are we moving towards simplicity?"

Time consumption has increased because the complex operations got easy and people have increased number of operations. Consider talking to your family a decade back. You used to call your wife once in a day while at work when u had to go to the receptionist to make a call. Or you use to call once in a week or once in a month when u were abroad. Now, things are simple, you are just a text away from your family or friends. So, you contact them more often, maybe 10 times a day. This consumes your time. Though the technology has made it simple but you are using it more often.

We are now habituated to forget things. We forget to say something on call, we quickly call them back. We forget to carry the important file to office, we download from cloud and print it. We forget to complete the presentation and we complete that on our way to office. We don't remember birthdays anymore, it is the Outlook calendar or Facebook that reminds us about the birthday. We don't remember any telephone numbers, it is all there in phone book.

Technology is simplifying our lives, only if we know how to use it rather than abusing it.

Friday 20 April 2012

Trusting An Impatient

Change, modify, upgrade, update, fresh, new... These words have always been the success factors in socio-technological domains. Be it social networking websites or e-commerce. There are zillions of examples to verify above statement.

Similarly there is an upcoming change in techies trying to make an early shift from a technical domain to management roles. Also, universities worldwide are coming up different courses to fill this need of the younger lot. In a psychological view this can be seen as a part of new rise of impatience. From quick loading of a webpage or an online video, younger lot is now habituated for quick responses and this impatience is now being noticed in their career.

This has also given rise to the "I am bored" mode which demands quick changes and modifications. No wonder  Farmville / Cityville was a hit because it built complete  farm / city in few seconds ( I wish we had such architects and laborers in real).

 However, what really matters here is, "Can they become good managers?" "Will they be able to handle projects?" "Will corporations trust such certified management professionals?" 

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Surfacing Future

Touch and it is, this is what technology is all about, nowadays. It all matters on how fast things can be carried out in less number of steps. When I did some research on human psychology towards technology, I was not amazed to find that people preferred using apps that loads quickly and needs less number of steps to carry out different functions.

Microsoft Surface 2.0 and the rising trend of touch gives us a clear view of the future on how the touch screens can be a part of corporate structure as well. It is evident that Microsoft surface 2.0 is targeted more towards retail businesses, however, this can be very beneficial for using it in companies as well. Be it HR, accountants, operations departments, managers and even the girl at reception , everyone needs a surface computer because of the ease of use.

Equipped with 4 USB ports, SD card reader slot, HDMI and corning gorilla glass makes it the perfect selection for businesses. Not to forget that it can be mounted on the wall as well that makes it  more interesting.  This will also see a change in the corporate scenario and might also be the next innovative thing after the old fashioned cubicles.

Microsoft and Samsung should work on its $12,000 (approx) tag, which is a pricey deal. Overall, it is indeed the next best thing I see towards an innovating world of technology.

Friday 30 March 2012

Economy by technology

At times when everyone is talking about economic growth and crisis worldwide, It is important for techies to understand the role technology plays in economy. Be it in terms of decision making or negotiation, technology helps in every aspect.

Even in the situations like Prisoner's dilemma, technology can help in coming to a conclusion quickly. It also reduces the manpower and thus helps in reducing costs indirectly, giving a raise to economy.

When considering economy of a start-up organisation, it is not important to hire a programmer or a person who can code well. It is required to hire a good technical director or C.T.O who can take proper decisions in implementing technology and can save finances for the organization, because in the starting phase of any organization or company "funds" is a very important resource that has to be utilized wisely.

There are many countries out there who got on the global map because of the technology that they have implemented in, which lead to huge economical developments and changed the future for generations to come.

It is not wrong to conclude that what "Mathematics" did in the history is being re-done by technology now.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Technical era of sharing

From the era of Charles Babbage to this present day, technology has evolved faster than our imaginations. However, it was driven by imagination at the same time. Leonard Kleinrock, who saw the first glimpse of internet, was able to see that because he imagined and then technology grew faster than his imagination, one of the reason would be the contribution of other researchers and scientists around the globe.

This theory of "growth over imagination" is not confined only to internet, any region of technology that you take has seen this type of growth. Internet is quite responsible for this amount of enormous growth. When we go more into basics, it is not wrong to say that growth happened because people started to share. They started to share their thoughts, share their ideas, share their activities which lead to the development of a new era.. The era of sharing.

As I mentioned in the previous blog posts how every process grew from requirement to entertainment, similarly people's habit of sharing has grown. This is one of the reasons that lead to the surprising growth of social networks. People started to share pictures, videos, their homework, their work experiences and everything they do. This also lead to a new form of psychological development where people started to trust each other. 

Sharing has grown to a new high now, where commercial guys out there have modified their products to include a bit of sharing in a form of button or some mathematical representations of adding one. Be it an article you read or a blog like this or any webpage , share is just a click away.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Revolution by Innovation

Irrespective of the industries, revolutions were made with remarkable innovations. Each and every innovation or invention was done as a necessity and finally they evolved to be a "fun" product. When Bill Gates talked about PCs in every home, everyone felt PC is not for common man, however, as time passed by it now looks mandatory for every home to own a PC. Field of technology is such a field that is embedded into almost every other field out there. Be it construction, automobile, healthcare, manufacturing, advertisement or any other field u can recall.

After PCs, it looks like tablets are going to make a revolution now. Consider any scenario, at home or at work, everyone needs a tablet. Creating presentations, watching videos, sharing documents..etc etc. With "ease of access" uppermost priority who would like to open the lid and wait for OS to load rather than just pressing a button, also not to forget long battery life of tablets.

This new revolution is changing the way people work and at the same time this is making people more tech dependent than ever. Few years down the line we may see a rapid downfall in paper manufacturing industries. This will also increase huge amount of data on private clouds. Unlike PCs, world is still waiting for the final product in tablets that would cater every need. Will windows 8 tablet be the final one? Will this create a new revolution? Lets wait and watch..


Tuesday 20 March 2012

Hire a CEO

With rising speculations of Steve Ballmer stepping down after launch of Windows 8, raises a question about how critical it is to change one of the top most employee of the company. Taking Microsoft's age and size into consideration it is very critical to hire a top notch guy with lot of experience on his profile.

Externally hired CEOs like James of McDonalds, Carlos of AmBev and Alan of Ford, who did quite well on their jobs, Microsoft also needs a fresh face now. One who is passionate, innovative, completely dedicated and has a better understanding of young generation's thought process. At the same time it is equally important that essence of Microsoft is not lost during transformation.

I wish to see someone come up with "people oriented programming" where we can create a base class of Bill Gates and inherit in the expected CEO. I have given a simple structure of program for those who seriously thought of building up POP (People Oriented Programming) concept. Enjoy!

using Microsoft;
public class BillGates
  public BillGates( )
public class NewCEO : BillGates 
  public NewCEO( )
public static void Main( )

NewCEO MrXYZ = new NewCEO( );

Good luck!

Sunday 18 March 2012

Bill Gates's leadership

It is not new or something to be amazed at, A man who owns one of the largest corporation on earth, definitely has the best leadership skills.

Mr. Bill Gates (Chairman, Microsoft Inc.) leadership skills are clearly reflected when Steve Jobs said, 

"I called up Bill and said, “I’m going to turn this thing around.” Bill always had a soft spot for Apple. We got him into the application software business. The first Microsoft apps were Excel and Word for the Mac. So I called him and said, “I need help.” Microsoft was walking over Apple’s patents. I said, “If we kept up our lawsuits, a few years from now we could win a billion-dollar patent suit. You know it, and I know it. But Apple’s not going to survive that long if we’re at war. I know that. So let’s figure out how to settle this right away. All I need is a commitment that Microsoft will keep developing for the Mac and an investment by Microsoft in Apple so it has a stake in our success."

This shows that unlike many leaders out there Mr. Bill always knew the right guy to befriend, doesn't matter if he is your competitor. He always believed in sharing (although he was quite opposite in terms of software [outsourcing] ;) ) . No wonder to see huge donations by Gates Foundations.